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Bradbury Tracks welcomes Sabah Ansari to the Sales Office
This entry was posted 30/03/2020

We have recently welcomed Sabah to our busy sales team here at Bradbury Tracks. We caught up with Sabah for a quick-fire interview to find out a bit more about her:
Tell us about your role?
I am the Sales Executive for Trade Accounts at Bradbury Tracks. I mostly work with interior designers, architects and construction workers to suggest the right products for their property. I have worked on providing blinds, tracks and poles to big and small properties, from humble cottages to hotels and schools.
What is the most recent thing you have ticked off on your bucket list?
I have a bucket list! I started it a few years ago and it’s fleshing out quite nicely. I spent some time in Singapore and Bali a few years ago and I love trying exotic fruits so I had Mangostein which was so, so beautiful and I still often think about it. Another fruit I was urged to have at the time was Durian, but I couldn’t bring myself to try it having heard such awful things about its’ infamous smell. I regretted this as soon as I got back to England because I knew I should have at least tried it during my time there so I added it to my bucket list. Just 6 months ago, a friend of mine from Malaysia managed to vacuum pack some to bring back and so I got to try it with a bunch of friends. Surprisingly, I was the only one of the group who liked it and ended up having 4! Bucket lists don’t always have to be fear-facing or adrenalin-fuelled, I just really wanted to try something I hadn’t before. Now I know; I like Durian.
So, you have been with us for a few months now, what are the 3 words that describe Bradbury Tracks?
Efficiency, service and challenge.
What is your biggest motivation?
Learning things. Anything. Everything. All the things. An old colleague would call me an encyclopaedia because I retain information like a sponge and my life is driven by curiosity.
What’s your hidden talent/ superpower?
I can wiggle my eyebrows like the girl in the Cadbury’s advert. Its my party trick, it’s how I make friends.
What’s the one thing the team at Bradbury needs to know about you?
I love project work which is probably why I feel so suited to my role.
If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
I would be a flamingo because they seem very patient and graceful, its as though these qualities span all flamingo flocks and I’d love to be patient and pink at the same time! Did you know that a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance?
This entry was posted in Uncategorised on 30/03/2020