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Bradbury Tracks welcomes Josh Hall to the sales team
This entry was posted 19/01/2021

We are thrilled to have welcomed Josh Hall to our busy trade sales team recently. We caught up with him for a quick-fire interview to find out a bit more about him:
How do you start your day in the office?
At Bradbury Tracks, we start with the 3 Ss (Standardise, Sort and Sweep) and then focus on time savings in our daily working practices – I’ve enjoyed welcoming this habit into my working days,
but first I make sure to visit the warehouse and have a quick catchup with everybody.
Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it?)
Both; Coffee is for first thing in the morning (black, no sugar), and Tea is for the afternoon (milk, no sugar – quite strong)
How long have you been in sales?
5 years or there about, and a further 2 years before that in Marketing
What excites you about joining the Bradbury team?
Initially, the 2 second lean model drew me in, as I’m always eager to learn new working practices. Having been here for a month now, I would say the cutting edge practices on display in the warehouse are what drive my enthusiasm for the work we do here and the quality of the products we produce.
What your biggest motivator?
From a personal perspective, I’m quite driven, and above all else I take great pride in the quality of work I produce. In addition to generating my own drive personally, it is inspiring to work with people who strive for excellence and with a culture that does the same, so presently I draw a lot of inspiration from my colleagues too.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
I have a lot of friends spread across the globe, so I am enjoying working my way through new Countries and seeing old friends. I also play badminton at both club and tournament level, so when I find the time I travel across the UK for tournaments, and play weekly matches during the season.
Given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
Russell Wilson (Quarterback for Seattle Seahawks – NFL) – his work ethic is unparalleled. In sports, at the highest level, you must be disciplined from such a young age and Russ is so focused on his goals and achieving them. I would love to have the opportunity to encapsulate that laser focus and truly understand and replicate the reality of the over-glamourised view we have of sports personalities (often thinking their approach to life is not replicable for the rest of us). I would also love to experience the management style of the Seahawks organisation (led by Pete Carroll) from a player’s perspective.
What’s the one thing the team at Bradbury needs to know about you?
I welcome any and all feedback. For me, emotions are removed from a professional setting - it’s not always achievable, and sometimes it takes time and reflection - but I’m always hungry to learn and work collaboratively to develop novel and more effective solutions.
What’s the last thing you do in the office when you are winding down for the day?
I try to give myself an opportunity at the end of the day to review outstanding tasks and prioritise for the next day.
This entry was posted in Uncategorised on 19/01/2021